Yes, that’s right. In this post I am going to show you a simple tip to join video of various formats like Mpeg, dat, mpg.. If you have questions like
1. How to join various video files into one?
2. Join two video files?
3. How to Join videos taken from mobile phone?
Then, the best method to follow is shown below. You can join your video files using just the windows Command Prompt. No need of any video joining software’s.
Step 1: For example if you have 3 videos in your hardrive root drive: video1.mpg, video2.mpg and video3.mpg just rename them to a, b, and c (just the letter withoug the file extension).
ren video1.mpg a
ren video2.mpg b
ren video3.mpg c
ren video1.mpg a
ren video2.mpg b
ren video3.mpg c
Step 2: Open Command Prompt. Start–>Run–>type “cmd”.
Step 3: Type the location of the drive like d: or C:
Step 4: Type: Copy /b a + b + c videoname.mpg
and click enter
Step 5: Now wait till you see: 1 files copied.
and click enter
Step 5: Now wait till you see: 1 files
And type exit and press enter. Thats it.You are done!
2. Can join MPEG files(*.mpeg, *.mpg, *.m2p, *.m1v, *.m2v, *.mp3, *.mpga), MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 are supported;
3. Can join Real Media files(*.rm, *.ram);
4. Can join Windows Media files(*.wmv, *.asf, *.wma);
5. Not only join video files, but also join most audio files with popular format(*.mp3, *.mpga, *.rm, *.wma, *.wav);
6. Very easy to use and very fast to work.
HJSplit is a popular set of freeware file-splitting programs created by in collaboration with various programmers. HJSplit supports many platforms. All versions are compatible with each other and allow you to exchange files between these different platforms. E.g. a file split on the Amiga can be joined on Windows 2000 and vice versa.
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